oohh..damn itt!!!.

ohh noo...OMG!!i'm single again??hahahhaa....MTA la..ohh ezull y u do this to me..
hahaha..but its ok...we still fren right??hahaha...just 3 month being tgder???hahaha..gler damn...
xpela..past is past..i try to accept him..but..emmm i can't..
ada jdoh adala..
emmm for shafie...@ komeng...em syg die sgt2...hhee..even we just fren until know..our memories always tgder..7 years...xkn lupe kot..yg 3 thn ni pn nk rak bcinta..hahaha..
soo life must be go on..
hehehe..tnape laki pun ley hidup pe....
no man no cry...

skng ni happy gle bile single..tp kdg2 pening pale...tu nk jge hati..ni nk mintk lyan..
adduuss parah..kalo dulu sorg je jga...tu pn aduhai..mcm2 prangai da..
hahahaha...ni tah pape org...
hahahahha......but better gni kot..xbyk commitment sgt,.
sush nk prcya org da skng ni.....so tiada la pghuni hati ni wt mse ni..
just go truth..

so skng ni da habis blajau...tata kpm am..
rindu kamuu sgt2,,,skng practikal...da nk habis pun..mgu dpn..hahaha..
syookk gle.....
peeehh kjap je...mmg terbaik...
pas abis ni..duk umh dulu....w report smpai habis....smpai setel sume..then bru nk amik lesen??alolololololo...bile la nk amik haa....pass tu grad..keje jap..then xtau pe plan..
tp yg pasti nk amik class jahit..uii...minat gle..
nk bkak bisnes..wkakakakakk!!amin..moge2 terlaksana la hendakNya.....amin....

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